with Jesus
What does it mean to “follow” Jesus?
We hear the language “follower of Jesus” and “Christian” and “disciple” all the time, but what do they mean? At Fellowship we say “we exist to make disciples,” but what does that look like?
Walking with Jesus looks like being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did.
This happens by being transformed by the Gospel, growing in a life of worship, gathering in community, and giving our lives away on mission. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live out the fullness of being a disciple of Jesus.
Not sure about Jesus?
Fellowship hosts Alpha, an open and informal conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus. We want to hear your thoughts and questions as we explore these themes together in a safe, judgment-free community. Alpha is a series of small group sessions that explore the Christian faith for 8-9 weeks. Everyone is welcome!
Learn More about Alpha -
Interested in Getting Baptized?
For more than 2000 years, followers of Jesus have taken the faithful and obedient step to get baptized as a public declaration that the old has gone and the new has come. It's a celebration of the amazing change that's taken place in your life, and it's a gift from God we get to accept freely.
Learn More About Baptisms -
Want to Go Deeper?
Sign up for the next season of Rooted! This 10 week catalytic discipleship experience will go over topics such as Who is God? How does He speak to us? And, where is He in the midst of suffering? This course is designed to help you find yourself in God's story. No matter where you stand in your relationship with Jesus, there is always room to go deeper.
Learn About Rooted -
Dive into the Bible
Get a bible, which is a brilliantly designed book that tells an epic story of how God is working to bring beauty out of the chaos of our world, and how everything points to Jesus! Watch this short video on “What Is the Bible?”
What Is the Bible?
engage a prayer
of examen
with us
Are you interested in learning more about Jesus and following Him? Our pastoral team would be honored to connect with you. Email pastor@madeforfellowship.com or text/call 626.507.6810 to connect with someone today!
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