
At Fellowship, we believe in the power of prayer.

We describe prayer as interactive communication with God in which our deepest emotions and thoughts are expressed. This includes thanksgiving, praise, request, petition, and mourning. Prayer is the acknowledgement that we are in great need of God. He eagerly turns His ear toward us as we seek intimate communication with Him. Prayer can be spontaneous and heartfelt, but it also can be more measured and rhythmic. Through this divine form of conversation, God graciously engages with our hearts while also revealing His.

As part of our mission to make disciples, the Fellowship team would love to pray with you and for you.

How can we pray for you?

Lord, hear our prayer.

Pray for the families who grieve the loss of a loved one today.
Rev 7.16-17

Pray for the weariness of the teachers and safety at our local schools.
Mt 11.28-29, Ps 46.1

Pray for the peace and mercy of God to cover our communities, our nation, and our world.
John 14.27

Pray for the gifts of the Spirit to bring unity to a broken relationship in your life this week.
Ephesians 4.32

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morning prayers

Join us every Wednesday morning at 7:00a PT as we gather virtually to pray as a Fellowship family.

Meeting ID: 952 6814 2356
Passcode: Fellowship

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