We say it all the time:
We don’t give to Fellowship,
we give through Fellowship.
We believe generosity is woven into the fabric of what it means to follow Jesus. God so loved that He gave. So do we.
When we are generous and faithful in our tithes and when we give out of what God’s entrusted to us, we are trusting God to provide. The act of giving is how we declare that money is not the lord of our lives, and we, like Jesus’ female disciples, fund the ministry of the local church for the glory of God.
Practically speaking, giving financially through Fellowship ensures that every kids and youth program, every in-person and online gathering, every racial reconciliation workshop and outreach event, every intern and volunteer experience can happen and can thrive. Giving also helps Fellowship take care of its staff so they can in-turn serve our Church family and surrounding cities well.
It is because of God’s faithfulness through your gifts that we can do what we’re called to do and be.